Media Relations

BrunoMedia is a well known expert in Media Relations since 2002.

Bruno Media GmbH

Customers of BrunoMedia appreciate and rely on our excellent network in German business, financial and real estate media.

Our customers include Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office, HQ Trust, Harald Quandt Holding, Gruener-Fisher Investments, Fidor Bank, Liqid, CrossLend, Fraunhofer IESE, Solarwatt, S Broker, Debitos, PSD Bank Munich, Circle Eleven.


former CEO of Carsharing Company CiteeCar, Bill Jones:
‘’We have been working with Brunomedia now for more than nine months. In that time they have orchestrated 3 highly successful city press launches and secured exclusive coverage in national and local print , all major online sector blogs and a couple for outstanding TV features . By any measure our PR exposure has been exceptional and is a result of Brunomedia’s expert advice , guidance and unrivalled contacts’’

About the founder Ralf-Dieter Brunowsky:

  • 2002 till today: Publisher and PR Consultant, best connected to Germany´s financial and business media. Building up credibility, Branding, Reputation PR, Crisis communication, Media relations
  • 1991 to 2001 Editor in Chief of Germany´s leading financial magazine CAPITAL (monthly).
  • 1989 to 1991 managing editor of entrepreneur magazine IMPULSE (monthly).
  • 1980 to 1989 correspondent and managing editor of Germanys WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE (weekly)
  • 1977 to 1979 political editor of newspaper Berliner Morgenpost
  • 1975-1977 managing director of a local retail organisation in Berlin
  • 1969 to 1975 Technische Universität Berlin (Diplom-Volkswirt)
  • 1968 to 1969 German Navy (Bundesmarine)